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Here's a summary of work that has strongly influenced us, and that explores territory close to our own:
When asked how they felt about the prospect of revealing personal information to other wi-fi users nearby, 11 percent of respondents reported strong reservations about revealing such information. But 12 percent reported strong attraction to the prospect and said they would use such a feature. Seventy-seven percent of respondents fell between these extremes -- they expressed some willingness but some reservations as well about sharing personal information in this way.
William Whyte - This sociologist is one of the most reknowned scholars of human behavior in the city, particularly within public spaces. His 16-year study of public spaces in New York, the Street Life Project, and that study's resulting book, The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces, are considered classics in the field of urban planning. The book lays out core elements of a successful public space, including the notioon of "building along the path."
Jane Jacobs - Jacobs' book The Death and Life of Great American Cities is a classic in the urban planning field. It examines social activity in modern American cities and argues that certain technological developments and trends in architecture and urban planning during the 20th Century did great damage to cities, leading to loss of humanity and the sense of place, and increases in crime. In particular she implicates automobile-focused development and "urban renewal policies" that infected the country in an effort to "save" cities, but instead had the opposite effect. Paradoxically these policies were repeated over and over, even though they failed. Jacobs claimed that such negative trends could be reversed through, among other things, more mixing of land uses and better design of public spaces and the contextual relations between spaces. One theme Jacobs explores is the positive impact brought about when people in the neighborhood gather on sidewalks and in other open public spaces.
Christopher Alexander - This Berkeley architecture professor-emeritus is famous for a system he developed to allow anyone (not just architects) to design and build sucessful, healthy places at any scale. Core to this system, described most famously in A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction, was the idea that construction projects should not be restricted to professional architects, that lay people in the community that will be affected by a project should design the project. Alexander believed that local context was best understood by the locals, and that this context was key to the design of successful buildings, streets and neighborhoods. He argued that many modern architects lost touch with the people they were supposedly serving, and that "most of the wonderful places of the world were not made by architects but by the people." Alexander's "Pattern Language" distills wisdom from the fields of architecture and urban planning into a series of "patterns" that can be applied in series and customized to guide the design of almost any urban design or construction project. Each pattern conveys concepts and designs that have been proven to work in the real world. Not only do these patterns provide advice, but they form a common language that allows people from different fields and classes to effectively speak to one another about, and work together on, a project or a design problem within a project. Adaptations of Alexander's pattern language idea have been wildly popular in the field of software design and engineering, as a way of recording and communicating proven design knowledge among professionals. Strangely enough, most of the software design patterns literature is written by and for professional software programmers. It rarely discusses the people who will use the software and it's completely inaccessible to these people, even though involvement of the lay person was central to the philosophy that drove Alexander's original pattern language. Alexander's general philosophy of involving the community in design were strong inspirations for us. Also, two patterns from A Pattern Language had specific impacts on the design Project PlaceSite: Entrance Room- This describes a sort of room that people pass through when entering and exiting a building, a room "both inside the building and outside it" that forms a welcoming transition from the building to the outside world. A good entrance room "marks the entrance and straddles the boundary between indoors and outdoors, covering some space outdoors and some space indoors." Likewise, a PlaceSite comes between the real-word café the viewer inhabits, and the vast outside world of cyberspace that the user steps into from that place. In one sense the PlaceSite page and its attached features are a sort of Entrance Room, a digital reflection of the real-world place that gives the transition to "placeless" cyberspace a humane, local flavor. The Entrance Room concept was core to the birth of Project PlaceSite. Public Outdoor Room - This pattern describes an inviting, simple, partially-enclosed outdoor spot "where hanging out.. in public outside is possible." A successful Public Outdoor Room juts up against pathways that many people use, which fits into our "build along the path" key concept. Such a place should be "defined but not too defined" -- people should be able to notice there's pleasant public space there to stop and sit or stand and hang out, but it should be minimally designed so that people can use it for varying purposes -- so the people who use it can tailor the space. The overriding character of the place should emerge from the people, not from eye-catching design elements. This was a key driver behind our minimalist design and our "seeds before trees" key concept.
The Urban Atmospheres initiative at Intel Research Berkeley examines "technological urban spaces" that are emerging as our cities become enhanced with digital services enabled by mobile networked devices and networked artifacts embedded in the environment. The initiative involves instigation of Urban Probes, "a lightweight, provocative, intervention methodology designed to rapidly deconstruct urban situations, reveal new opportunities for technology in urban spaces, and guide future long term research in urban computing." Two associated Intel Research Berkeley undertakings that influenced and inspired our project were the Familiar Stranger project Jabberwocky by Eric Paulos and Elizabeth Goodman. Both involved the use of mobile devices to notify people when they're near what social psychologist Stanley Milgram called "familiar strangers:" people who we see each day in the urban environment but who we don't talk to or get to know. Like PlaceSite, these projects raise consciousness of the nearby people and groups that we habitually dwell among in the city.
Howard Rheingold helped inspired PlaceSite through his visions of digitally-enhanced community-building laid out in The Virtual Community, and through his writings about emerging forms of social activity enhanced by networked mobilie devices, as described in Smart Mobs.
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